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What exactly are the Kwai Tanu?

Writer: Gavin SymahanouGavin Symahanou

The Kwai Tanu are small Animist figurines made out of clay, stone, special metals, and special Necromantic materials found from graveyards, and charnel grounds. These figurines are very useful, and contain the Prai Spirits (Lower divinities) invoked using Necromantic incantations (Calling of the 32 Kwan, and recitation of the 4 Elements mantra). Kwai Tanu can be used in a plethora of ways, from protecting from Black Magic, Battling sorcerers, and other forces (Like Himavanta animals, Yakkha/Yaksha, Rakshaksha, and Asura).

These being are very powerful, and are known for demolishing obstacles and animals, the name Kwai Tanu is very representative of its usage. Kwai meaning Water Buffalo, and Tanu meaning arrow, as it can be directed like an arrow at whatever one wishes. The Kwai Tanu is one of the highest 'Wicha' (Ritual art) a sorcerer can learn, and takes many years to master.



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