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Who was Siddhartha Gautama?

In short, Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of the religious-philosophy, referred to as Buddhism. Living more than 2,500 years ago, the Buddha was born in modern day Nepal, in the Gaṇarajja (Clan-Kingdom) of the Sakyas (The Buddhas Family Clan). The Buddha set out to seek the end of suffering presented by life, and achieved enlightenment at the age of 35, and taught his teachings for 45 years, before entering Parinibbāna...

Decorated Buddha with Flowers


The Noble Eightfold Path consists of eight practices: Right view, Right resolve, Right speech, Right conduct, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness, and Right Samadhi ('meditative absorption or union'; alternatively, equanimous meditative awareness).

Learn About Important Suttas Here:

Suttas, or Discourses, are one of the most fundamental parts in understanding Buddhism, here, you can click the underlined link, for more resources!

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